
This is the moodboard i made of different music videos from 10 different musicians/bands. These videos range in different types of video from Katy Perry in a jungle who basically becomes the queen of the jungle and its animals, Outcast doing what seems to be a live but recorded performance and Gorillaz with an animated video for the song Clint Eastwood.

I can use this mood board for inspiration when creating the music video.

Unit 3

G1: Understand the nature and purposes of research

Create a table (or similar) of different types of research, their significance and impact on the creative industries. All types of research from reviews, to circulation figures, box office, fanzine websites, etc.

In addition develop an understanding of methods and sources of research inc. secondary research, government statistics, primary research, data gathering agencies etc.

Secondary research- Secondary research is also known as desk research, involves the summary, collation and/or synthesis of existing research, such as reviews. This is used when collecting data in health, legal and market research as well as other.


Government research- Also known as Official statistics are statistics that have been published directly by the government or other public bodies such as international organizations. They provide quantitative or qualitative information on all major areas of citizens' lives, such as economic and social development, living conditions, health, education, and the environment.


Primary research- Unlike Secondary research Primary research involves someone going out and collecting data themselves to use as research instead of using the data that someone else has already gathered.


Data gathering agencies- The roles of data gathering agencies are are responsible in collecting and maintaining company-specific data and operating data entry devices.


Audience research- This is research that is carried out on a specific type of audience to gather information about their attitudes, knowledge,interests, preferences, or behaviours.


Market research- Market research is any organized effort to gather information about target markets or customers.


Production research- Production research is essential when planning to develop a new game idea. Production research helps to provide content, research commercial viability and plan the post production process.


Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of research inc. audience research,  market research and  production research

Audience research- Audience research is defined as any communication research that is conducted on specific audience segments to gather information about their attitudes, knowledge,interests, preferences, or behaviours with respect to prevention issues. Segments may be based on various grouping strategies, such as age, race and ethnicity. Before finalising any project, research must be done before even thinking about the initial design. The point of doing this is so that the producer can get a better insight of the target audience, it would be pointless creating something that’s not going to appeal to the right people. It’s important part of the procedure as it’s time consuming, and a waste of money if the product is not created the way expected. Knowing the kind of people you want to target the product at can create a wide variety of ways to advertise the product.


Market research- The main point of carrying out market research is to maximise the developer’s profits in the creation of their product. Market research is also important to reduce the risk of the product failing once produced. There are four main outcomes from performing market research market research which are audience data, audience awareness, and product reach and competitor analysis.


Production research- Production research is essential when planning to develop a new product idea. Production research helps to provide content, research commercial viability and plan the post production process. To perform production research the developer or producer will employ trained researchers to gather the suitable information for the area they are looking for e.g. financial or locations. Production research also includes advertising and where it might be placed to gain the best possible reaction from the audience. It will help to gain information on income and outgoing costs.

Images that show meaning without words

G2: Be able to apply a range of research methods and techniques

Undertake a range of primary and secondary research (both quantitative and qualitative) of audience, production, and market research. Analyse results, evaluate and summarise 

What is a questionnaire- Questionnaires are multiple different questions written down or on a computer (normally multiple choice questions) that are asked in order to get information/statistics about a specific theme such as the popularity of certain TV shows.


What is a focus group- A focus group is like a physical questionnaire where instead of ticking a box you discuss a topic with a group of people either your own or different ages depending on what the focus group is about.


I have included all of the results in chart form at the bottom of G2 aa a PDF file.

Audience research


Quantitative- This questionnaire was made to see what music different age groups/genders listen to, what type of videos they like and if they are willing to pay for the videos.


1. What is your age?  

0-9- 1

10-15- 0

16-20- 8

21+- 1

2. What is your gender?

Male- 4

Female- 4

Other- 2

3. Do you enjoy listening to music?

Yes- 10

No- 0

4. How often do you listen to music?

Once a day- 3

Once a week- 2

Multiple times a day- 4

Multiple times a week- 1

5. What type of music do you listen too?

Pop- 4

Rock- 4

Hip Hop- 0

Rap- 1

Classical- 1

R’n’B- 0

Death Metal- 0

Other- 0

6. When listening to music do you like to watch the videos?

Yes- 7

No- 3

7. If you answered yes, what is your favourite type of music video?

Performance (Focuses on showing footage of the artist or band)- 6

Narrative (Based music video the song includes a narrative story of the lyrics being acted out in some way)-2

Conceptual (Based around a single idea or concept and are usually unusual and obscure, even surreal for the audience)- 2

8. Would you pay to watch a music video?

Yes- 0

No- 10



I have found that with the people I used (age 9-21) the two most popular types of music are pop and rock.

I also found out that the majority of people like to watch the music videos as well as just listen to the music itself. the most popular type of music video  is that of a performance and that no-one i asked was willing to have to pay to watch a music video.

Production research


Quantitative- This questionnaire was made to see what music different age groups/genders like to be in a music video such as the amount of people in the video, the amount of colors and type of video.


1. Do you like dancers in the video?

    Yes- 7

    No- 3

2. Do you like the video to have lots of flashing lights?

    Yes- 4

    No- 6

3. Do you like the video to be very colourful?

    Yes- 6

    No- 4

4. Do you like videos that are rather dark in colour?

    Yes- 7

    No- 3

5. Do you like it when the artist(s) appear in the video?

    Yes- 8

    No- 2

6. Do you like it when there are a lot of different scenes in the video?

    Yes- 3

    No- 7

7. Do you like animated videos?

    Yes- 2

    No- 8

8. How many people should appear in the video?

    0-5- 4

    6-10- 5


9. Do you prefer the video to be simple or complicated?

    Simple- 6 

    Complicated- 4

10. Do you like videos that are performed live?

    Yes- 2


    No- 8 


I learnt that most people like to see dancers/actors in videos, the video doesn't necessarily have to be very flashy even with dancers and there doesn't need to be lots of color to make the video entertaining.

Most people like the artist if the song to appear in the video.

The overall amount of people said they don't really like animated music videos.

There should be no more than 10 people in the whole video.

the video can be either simple or complicated.

Most people like a live performance video.


Market research



 I surveyed 10 people for this questionnaire.


What is your gender?

Male- 3

Female- 4

Other- 3


What is your age group?

0-14- 0

15-20- 7

21-25- 2

26-30- 0

31+- 1


What is your favourite genre of music?

Pop- 5

Rock- 3

Jazz- 1

Rap- 0

Dance- 1

Other- 0


What is your occupation?

Employed- 4

Unemployed- 6


Prefer not to say- 0


What is your monthly income?

£0-£100- 0

£101-£250- 0

£251-£500- 3

£501-£750- 0

£751-£999- 0

£1000+- 1


Where do you watch music videos?


Internet- 7

I don’t- 1

Other- 0


How much would you pay to watch a music video?

£0-£1- 9

£2-£5- 1

£6-£9- 0

£10+- 0


Do you prefer hybrid genre (a combination of two or more genres of music in one song)?

Yes- 3

No- 1

Don’t really mind- 6


What is your favourite type of music video?

Narrative (a spoken or written account of connected events)- 4

Performance (Live)- 4

Conceptual ( based around a single idea or concept)- 2


I can tell from these results that my video should be aimed at audiences aged 15-25 of both genders with either a narrative or performance video style.


These are statistics that were collected in 2014 of the most popular music genres in the UK at that time.

G3: Be able to present results of research:

Present a report of results using an appropriate format (and technology) inc. visual materials, data procedures etc

From these results i can see that Pop is the most popular type of music closely followed by Rock music. Other genres are still listen too but Pop and Rock as much more popular. Whereas Country music seems to be one of the least popular types of genre but even tho the category 'Other' has a higher percentage Country music is still more popular that genres in Other because Country has its own category and the 'Other' category has multiple different genres included that are all less popular than Country music that is why they do not have their own category.

We can see from this chart from 27-07-14 that 7 of the 10 songs listed are Pop songs.

Media Question results charts (PDF).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 284.1 KB

Unit 29

G1: Understand the purpose of music videos

Create an discussion of the purposes of music videos, discuss the success and weaknesses with reference to specific examples.

What is the purpose of music videos?

Music videos can be made for many different reasons such as;


1. To help sell copies of the song

2. Give the listener a better understanding of what the song is about

3. For marketing purposes

4. Exposing the artist

5. To simply entertain


Over all the main point of a music video seems to be the promotion of the artist and their work, because as we all know to more well known the artist the more money they make.

G2: Understand the styles, conventions and techniques of music videos:

Create a comparative analysis, with specific reference to at least four different music videos, of styles, conventions and techniques.

Cher- 'You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me'

Cher- You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me

In this video you only ever really see Cher in a dark, blue lit stage with the odd scenes with her one crew member who is filming, recording and doing the lighting for her all at once.


Camera angles- There are in total 17 different angles in this video but even though there are many different angles it is a really simple but effective video.


Lighting- The lighting in this video doesn't change much throughout the whole of the video. The video starts with Cher walking onto the stage in the dark with only the light from a door behind her to light up the stage with a dim glow. She walks onto the stage and sits on a chair near the centre of the stage while her counterpart switches on some small lights around the room and turns on a blue spot light on to point it directly at Cher. Throughout the the video her counterpart is in a booth with lights above and behind him and he can be seen clearly.


Numbers- There are only two people in the whole of the video both Cher and her counterpart. This can create different views depending on the mindset of the person watching the video. To me it looks like Cher is singing about a breakup whilst her friend is making her appear like a star of a broadway show while looking on proud of her for standing up for herself against her ex who she will not sit down in defeat and sulk over the lose of her partner.


You can watch the video here..

Cher- 'I Walk Alone'

Camera angles- There are around 220 different camera angles in this video because this video is a Photo-biography which means that the video consists of many different photos from an artist's life, normally starting when they were a child and growing up but sometimes the images are at random. This video however starts when Cher is a young child and finishes with the same picture. Cher is alone in a lot of the pictures because i believe this links with the songs name 'I Walk Alone' because she has accomplished a lot in her life by herself and because of that she gets to meet lots and lots of people.


Lighting- There are many different lightings in the video because all of the pictures were taken at different, except a few where they are from the same day or fashion shoot. The lighting in the pictures also differ because technology has developed in the video from the pictures when Cher is a small child to where she is doing a fashion shoot.


Numbers- The video consists of many different people (too many too count) but all of the pictures contain Cher. Again this shows that she has been alone for a long time and is responsible for her own success.


You can watch the video here..

Meghan Trainor- 'Dear Future Husband'

Camera angles- There are a variety of shots from many different angles that include low, mid, high and wide shots.

One of the low shots that is used more than once is when Trainor is cleaning the floor while the camera is looking down at her.

Wide shot's are used on a few occasions such as when Trainor is at the carnival with guy number 2 at the High Striker, while the two female dancers are at some stalls in the background.

Mid shots are used when Trainor is pulling guy number 4 through her front door.


Lighting- Throughout the video the lighting remains similar in each scene e.g. Bright and Colorful. In the carnival scene the lighting is unlike others in the video, the lighting is very dark to show that they are at the carnival at night but at the same time the scene is very colorful like the lighting before in the other scenes.


Numbers- There are in total 12 people in this video 2 children, 3 females and 7 males.


You can watch the video here..

Abraham Mateo- Señorita

Camera angles- There are wide, low, close and mid range shots in the video.

The Wide shots are used when you see all the dancers at the same time.

A low shot is used when the camera sees the girls foot burning in the sunlight.

A close shots is used at the end of the video where Mateo hugs the girl and she goes to bite his neck.

Mid range shots are used when Mateo and the girl have their heads together near the end of the video.


Lighting- There are four scenes where the lighting is different from the rest.

The beginning of the video starts of really dime but sunny.

Soon after the start the scene changes to dark but a bright light behind the performers and you can just see the front of them.

There is also another time where the scene is very dark but has bright lights but this time the performers are silhouettes compare to what they looked like before.

the last time the video lighting is different is when the dance goes from just a dance in an empty room to a disco floor area.


Numbers- I believe that there are 9 people in this video, however it is hard to tell as the camera moves too fast to count. 5 females and 4 males.


You can watch the video here..

Chris Brown, Tyga- 'Ayo' (My Notes)

Stereotypical- Rich Boy Gangster

Very colourful

Sexualisation of women


Rich- Commodities- Iconography- Bling

Tiger- Power/Status

Lots of different locations- Stars don’t mind travel as they have to money to get places quickly

HDR Filler


Contrast between Quick Cuts- Match On Action

Jump Cuts

Low angles- Mid to Low angles- Provides a sense of authority and status

Montage Political Editing- Focus on a Political Point

Depth of field

Play Boys

Lots of bright colours signifies money and luxury

Lots of the colour gold and yellow- Money

Aimed at people 14-28- Use of language

Loose clothing- ‘Gangster’ Style

Binary opposites

Beyoncé- 'If I were a boy' (My Notes)

Black and white filler

Narrative design- Black and white normally means flashback

Job role switch- Female police officer, male secretary




Wide shots- establishing shots, surroundings, characters

Combined with mid and low shots for detail

Low angles used in same way to ‘Ayo’



Professionalism in costume

Aimed at women 25-10

Jump cuts

Role switches back to a more stereotypical scenario

Binary opposition

'If I were a boy' and 'Ayo' Comparison

The music video for Ayo is very bright, bold and energetic therefor makes you feel like you’re more awake because some adrenaline gets pumped around your body. This is unlike ‘If I were a boy’ because this song is very calm, subtle and has a lack of colour this makes you feel calm whiles watching the video which is the opposite of what ‘Ayo’ does to you. Due to ‘If I were a boy’ being in black the video suggests something bigger than itself such as a meaning or flashback. In ‘Ayo’ there is a lot of sexualisation of women, this helps to live up to the rich playboys the artists are trying to be, with ‘If I were a boy’  Beyoncé is sexualised even when she’s wearing a police uniform, but instead of using the sexualisation of women to seem like a playboy Beyoncé is being sexualised to show that women have as much power as men. In both the videos there is something that shows power and authority, in Ayo there is a live tiger walking around in some scenes, this symbolises power because it doesn’t matter who you are or what your status is the likelihood that you are going to own a tiger is very slim so if you have on as a pet you have status. In ‘If I was a boy’ Beyoncé is a police woman, this is her way of showing power status and authority because the police have strong influence wherever they are but unlike the tiger most people respect the police whereas with a tiger it seems like your just showing off how much money you have. In ‘Ayo’ there is a lack of professionalism with the costumes as they are all just jumpsuits, trainers and gangster gear. This links in with the song itself as the song is very gangster rap and gives you the idea of the artists being so called ‘players’. In Beyoncé’s ‘If I were a boy’ the costumes are very professional in order to suit the song, this does exactly what ‘Ayo’ does with costumes that suit the song lyrics which are very 'gang' like with lots of rap and swearing.

G3: Be able to originate and plan a music video production for a specific music track:

Song Lyrics

Song Lyrics

It's just another boring Saturday night,

That's filled with alcohol and drunken fights,

That's filled with MDMA and paradise,

Paradise for some,


And ideally attempt to look our best,

But all the flashing lights I light are sweat,

And stella stains that lay upon her dress,

We're just disasters,

We're just disasters in distress,


And her stilettos have seen better days,

Sat by the toilet,

It's not even late,

Guess that her mind goes along with the pain,

With the pain,


But anyway,

Send my blessings to the remix tracks, And dancers who don't care,

Send my best to the scents of lynx and the Smirnoff in the air,

Whilst you're there tell the stoners who buy after nine o'clock,

And them perverts on the dance floor,

Who attempt to touch you up,


It's just another boring Saturday night,

And this time baby maybe, I'm alright,

I think I'd much rather prefer the sights,

Of Game of Thrones and all that other shite on TV,


Waiting for me when I'm just sat at home,

Under the duvet I ignore my phone,

And you can join me if you want a show,

But I'm sure your Snapchat will soon let me know,


It's just another boring Saturday,

And I'd been thinking about the memories made,

And you’ll make none of yours stuck in that state,

And I'm in a state to see you stuck this way,


But anyway,

Send my blessings to the remix tracks,

And the dancers who don't care,

And send my best to the scents of lynx and Smirnoff in the air,

Whilst you're there tell the stoners who buy after nine o'clock,

And them perverts on the dance floor,

Who attempt to touch you up,


It's just another boring Saturday night,

And this time baby maybe I'm alright,

I think I'd much rather prefer the sights,

Of Game of Thrones and all that other shite on TV,


Waiting for me when I'm just sat at home,

Under the duvet I ignore my phone,

And you can join me if you want a show,


But I'm sure your Snapchat will soon let me know....

Develop ideas for a music video. - analysis music tracks, selecting an appropriate style music track (Saturday Night), identify your own style

Some glass bottles for alcohol 

Shoes by toilet 

Lynx spray can being sprayed 

Clock showing just past 9pm

Have a creepy guy looking at a girl on a dance floor 

Have sofa with scene from game of thrones on TV or the box set on the table 

Girl opening snapchat 

Girl on bed under duvet but you do not see her just see the bump in the sheets 

Phone buzzing next to bed 

Scenes that contain people playing instruments


For certain sections of the video the band should be shown playing - maybe the chorus? - After speaking to the singer, it is him playing all of the instruments so we asked if he would be in the video, he said he is too busy but will allow us to film other people posing as the 'band'.


A girl/group of girls in the video, as the lyrics mention stilettoes and dresses. 


Possible locations for narrative side of video - bathroom, bedroom, club/pub, street, dancefloor.



Possible locations for where the band could play - stage or band room at Oak Academy.

Research sources of locations, any secondary sounds etc

Bathroom- Used for scene where singer talks about a toilet.

Lounge- Used in the scene where singer talks about girl going out a lot at night and not doing herself any good.

Hallway (Stairs)- Used when filming light switches.

Music Studio- Used for playing in the chorus of the song posing as the band playing in the song.

Create a script, storyboard, shooting script, performance, location recce, risk assessment, permission to film etc


1. Some glass bottles for alcohol 0.07

2. Shoes by toilet 0.35

3. Lynx spray can being sprayed 1.02

4. Clock showing just past 9pm 1.11

5. Have a creepy guy looking at a girl on a dance floor 1.19

6. Have sofa with scene from game of thrones on TV or the box set on the table 1.36

7. Girl opening snapchat 1.50

8. Girl on bed under duvet but you do not see her just see the bump in the sheets 3.00

9. Phone buzzing next to bed 3.02

10. Scenes that contain people playing instruments dotted throughout the video


Storyboard- Old

Storyboard- New

Verse 1–

• Guy walks up steps onto stage and sits on chair with guitar and music begins.

• Light switched on.

• Remote button pressed.


Verse 2– 

• Flicking through clothes hangers.

• Unfocused flashing lights pan.

• Girl outside drinking.

• Gas lighted – repeated twice.


Verse 3– 

• Focus on shoes being put on.

• Focus on female bathroom sign.

• Pan upwards of girl sat with head in her hands.

• Focusing in and out of lights.



• Band playing in the band room.


Verse 5– 

• Girl drinking glass full glass of alcohol.

• Fireplace.

• Flicking through game of thrones.


Verse 6– 

• Boy of sofa watching TV, phone goes off. He presses ignore and goes under duvet.

• Girl putting lipstick and mascara on.

• Flicks hair back.


Verse 7– 

• Girl pulls dress down legs.

• Boy flicks through photos of girl on the phone.

• Boy then puts head in hands.



• Band playing in the band room.


Verse 9– 

• Focusing in on a lipstick being put away.

• Wine being taken out of a wine holder.

• Focus out on makeup.

• TV flicking through game of thrones.


Verse 10– 

• Girl pouring drink into a glass.

• Boy under duvet

• Phone lights up and boy presses ignore.

• Girl moves alcohol out the way to find the one she wants.


Production schedule/Shooting Script

Location recce




Risk Assessment

Permission to film

When filming anything in public, it is important to get permission to film. Once permission is gained, it will cover any legal matters brought up about infringement of privacy and public rights.

It is important to gather a written form of permission including a signature of the person(s) involved.

When asking for permission from actors, is it important you inform them on the exact type of content you wish to film.

If you are creating a music video, permission must be given from the songs artist in order to use their song. It is best to have written proof to stop any future implications.

Final Film



Evaluation of final film

When filming the footage for this video we had to visit a number of different locations in order to get all that we needed,  the story for the film changed many times as we couldn't find what we were looking for but in the end we got the idea of what we wanted in footage form. Before this unit I didn't know how to edit videos as I had little experience with editing , but as time went on through watching my colleges i learnt the basics of editing and managed to have a large input of the video. Overall I am content with how this video has turned out, but if I were to film again I would change the story in some ways and make sure that the consistency of some of the aspects in the video remained the same and didn't have to keep changing. Of course this is always a challenge when it comes to making a low budget music video as i do not have to necessary links to other people to make a what is deemed to be a  'good video'.

G4: Be able to work to complete production of a music video:

Evidence production process

This image shows that I have organised my clips into different sections depending on what scene/area/time they were filmed. 


This image shows 3 separate bins each containing different clips, at the top left there is the song I had to use and on the right of that shows where the video will be made.

Creating the different bins makes the screen look less unorganized and therefore allows me to find the work i want easier and faster.

This shows the creation of a new bin to place a new group of video clips into.

This shows me about to import footage I have taken before hand. It is important to ensure that whatever you import is saved to the editing computer itself and not just a memory stick, because it is always safer to have a back up on your USB or other storage device just incase your work disappears.

This shows inside one of the folders 'duvet'. I have imported the required footage and placed it into the allocated bin to ensure my work is organised.

This shows after I have edited the visual representation of the clips and placed them together in the order and at the times that i chose in order to make the music video work. This image shows me rendering this part of the video to enable me to watch it and see if there are any further improvements/changes that need to be made.

30 Second Music Video- Stormy Weather- The Kooks


Self reflection- The use the black, white and grey colors fit well with the song choice to give a punk theme to the video.


Peer reflection- the video uses a variety of camera angles such as wide shots (shows where the actor is going) and close up shots (such as walking through the puddle). 


Different classes require different types of technology in order to progress with the work. In all of my classes I have to use a computer in order to do my work for research, creating diagrams and designing/editing. Technologies outside the classroom may have an impact on my work/product. For example; when creating a music video for one of my courses we had to go and film footage for the video. To do this we had to use a borrowed camera, but we could not always get hold of an actual camera so we sometimes had to use our phones to do the recording. I believe that my best technological attribute is with a camera because at the beginning of Creative Media we had to do a photography unit which included taking photos and editing them and whiles taking my first photos I realised that I am actually quite good at taking nice photos and because i'm good with a camera i now get asked to go to events and on youth courses to take photos for them. In lesson I like using the computer as it helps me to do the work I need to and therefore influences any product I produce because if I didn’t have access to a computer I wouldn’t be able to get the information I need to do my work. I could advance my technological ability by doing a few things such as attending advancing classes, asking for help from someone who knows what they are doing or just having a ‘play’ with some programs to figure out what they do.

Improvements Made

  • I have included charts of my research results.
  • I have explained what a questionnaire and focus group are.
  • I have evidenced my production progress.
  • I have explained the purpose of music videos.
  • I have improved my market research and have presented the results of my research and evaluated the results.
  • I have updated both my storyboard and my final film.
  • I have completed and analysed market research.
  • Added GANNT chart.
  • Permission to film.